Discovering an Irish novel: "Small Things Like These"



講座番号 24B05
講師 Frances Causer
日程 2024/10/03~2024/12/12 (全6回)
時間 18:30~19:50
定員 25 名
受講料 12,000 円
申込締切日 2024/09/23
会場 成城大学キャンパス


We will read and discuss the novella "Small Things like These". To understand the book's Irish setting we will also study some Irish history, culture, religion, music and literature. The author mentions some dark aspects of Irish history, but her story is set in the weeks leading up to Christmas, so the course participants will enjoy the book's ending, which is like a small Christmas present of happiness and hope for the future.

講義の進め方:Discussion of the interesting points of the novella.


実施日 講座内容 担当講師
1 2024/10/03(木) Introduction to course, book and author; read and discuss p1-14 Frances Causer
2 2024/10/17(木) Read and discuss p15-35 Frances Causer
3 2024/10/31(木) Read and discuss p37-56 Frances Causer
4 2024/11/14(木) Read and discuss p56-78 Frances Causer
5 2024/11/28(木) Read and discuss p;78-95 Frances Causer
6 2024/12/12(木) Read and discuss p96-114; concluding discussion Frances Causer


書籍名 Small Things Like These 著者名 Claire Keegan 出版社名 Faber, ISBN 978-0571368709 金額(税込)Y1,440 (Amazon)


Frances Causer (フランセス コーザ)
専攻:Comparative literature
Frances Causer is currently teaching drama, cultural studies, Japanese literature and English classes at Seijo University. She is a bookworm who loves discussing all kinds of books with 学びの森 member
